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We wanted to let you know that, in compliance
with the new data privacy law that was
introduced in the EU on 25 May 2018(GDPR), we:
  • Will never share your information without your explicit permission
  • Will never announce or give away what and how we collect, store, use and secure personal information
  • Will always protect your rights relating to the information we hold about you

Social Media

Don’t just collect fans. Activate them
Social media has become a natural extension of any digital presence. Today, two ways communication is the expectation of any internet user. Born Interactive, while leveraging 19+ years of experience in building interactive digital solutions is abreast of all social media platforms and trends. From strategic consulting to day to day execution, we create out-of-the-box and effective social media presences for businesses in various industries.

We launch, activate and maintain a brand’s online presence by developing communication strategies, executing them and monitoring the progress by tracking conversations and conversions. Rigid processes and policies are set in place to meet the expectations of the online community and help you have a clearer, and in-depth view of your fans opinions, thoughts, feedback and requirements.

Typical social media interventions include, but not limited to:
  • Social Media Consultancy and Optimization
  • Social Media Strategies and Policies Creation
  • On-going Community Management and Content generation
  • Social Media Engagement, monitoring and reporting
  • Supporting application concept, design and development
  • Supporting advertising strategies and execution
  • Listening and measuring the brand share of voice on the world wide web
  • Knowledge transfer and capacity building

The following is a set of activities performed for each social intervention point:

1. Consulting

  • Audience Understanding and Engagement Strategy Development
  • Definition of Social Media Tools to Be Used
  • Social Media Consultancy and Advice
  • Recommendations Development and Delivery
  • Integrating Social Media Strategies With Existing Corporate Objectives
  • Emergency Planning and Escalation Procedures

2. Building, Engaging and Maintaining

  • Content Generation and Management
  • Brand Presence Building across social platforms
  • Campaigns Creation and Management
  • Developing Apps for Online Venues
  • Engagement Planning
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Community Profiles' Activity Maintenance
  • Users' Content Moderation and Mitigation
  • Perceiving Competitors’ Conversation
  • Community Analysis
  • Monitoring, Analyzing and Reporting

3. Listening and Reporting

  • Competitive Analysis and Benchmarking
  • Setup listening queries and alerts for specific keywords across the web to trigger appropriate responses
  • Weekly and monthly reports for day to day activities, events, evolutions and necessary corrective actions if any.

4. Advertising

  • Social advertising including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube
  • Campaign management (CPC,CPM and CTR)
  • Audience management

5. Knowledge Transfer & Capacity Building

  • Setting up training sessions for in-house community manager
  • Incubating community managers for exhaustive day-to-day knowledge transfer
  • Strategic recommendations on policies, procedures and resource requirements

6. Evolving

  • Analyze and Recommend Based on Gathered Insights
  • Adoption of Latest Social Media Trends

If you are interested in our offering, please contact us and we will be happy to setup a meeting and discuss further.
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Some of our clients
  • BLF
  • saco
  • gap
  • Bupa
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